
Just give me a phone!

I have been increasingly annoyed with my cell phones, mostly because they are so loaded with useless features that is more and more difficult to get them to work as a phone!
During my last visit to Italy my mum gave me her "freebie" cell phone and I was impressed by its simplicity. It was a Motorola F3, also known as "Motofone". Alas, it is normally not imported to US (too simple?) but I was able to buy it on ebay. It works flawlessi with my pre-paid T-mobile GSM and it is probably the only non-java, no-camera, no-bluetooth, no-crap cell phone you can easily find. By the way: if you plan to use it in USA make sure you buy the USA/Canada/Mexico 850/1900 Mhz version, not the european 900/1800 Mhz version. The phone is a simple dual-band design and it comes in two different hardware versions for different markets.

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